Bringing the real estate world to Ithaca
Every week, every semester, the Cornell Real Estate Seminar Series attracts global industry leaders to campus to share insights and discuss important issues in the field. Speakers also explore current projects, tips for career advancement, and the paths that led them to success. Many students cite this exclusive opportunity to interact with recognizable figures from the industry as one of the most valuable aspects of the program.
Speakers include:
Fund managers, developers, investors, bankers, and others who talk about their segments of the industry
Experts on current topics ranging from changes in global capital markets to green city development, new investment opportunities, financing, and structuring strategies
A question-and-answer session normally follows the formal in-class presentation; following the seminar, we encourage the speakers and students to continue their conversations and build connections. The Cornell Real Estate Distinguished Speaker Series is a required course for three of the four semesters of the Cornell Baker Program in Real Estate.
2022 Spring Speaker Series
Coe Juracek, Crow Holdings
See the full series' info here: